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At Bomalink Concepts Ltd, we specialize in creating dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships through our Joint Venture Property Development Program. With us, property development becomes a collaborative effort, where landowners, developers, and investors join forces to bring ambitious projects to life. We carry out thorough feasibility studies to ensure each venture is viable and profitable for both our partners and our business.

Why Partner with Us?

Our Joint Venture Program gives you the opportunity to tap into our extensive experience, market knowledge, and vast network, while still maintaining an active role in your project. Whether you are a landowner, investor, or developer, we tailor every joint venture to fit your specific goals. Together, we can realize successful projects like residential complexes, commercial properties, mixed-use developments, and more.

How We Work

By combining resources and expertise, we’re able to tackle larger, more ambitious property developments that would be difficult to achieve alone. Our team conducts in-depth feasibility studies, market analysis, and due diligence, identifying the best development opportunities for your property. We collaborate with you to design a strategic plan that outlines the project’s goals, financial structure, profit-sharing agreement, and risk management strategies.

Our Joint Venture Process

Step 1: Feasibility Studies

We begin every project with a detailed feasibility study to evaluate its potential. This includes analyzing market demand, financial viability, and legal considerations to ensure your property will deliver strong returns.

Step 2: Presentation of Findings

Once the study is completed, we present a clear, data-driven report to you, detailing the project type, necessary investments, timelines, and profit-sharing breakdowns.

Step 3: Investment Options

Our joint ventures rely on your prime land as the foundation. Bomalink Concepts Ltd then provides full financing for income-generating ventures like rentals, hotels, hostels, or commercial properties. This includes covering consultancy fees, which typically range around 10% of the total project cost.

Step 4: Facilitating Approvals

We handle all the necessary government approvals, from architectural and structural drawings to mechanical, electrical, and quantity surveying. Our expert team ensures your project complies with all regulations, clearing the way for a smooth construction process.

Step 5: Seeking Funding

Thanks to our network of local and international investors, we help secure additional funding, if needed. Investors can choose to finance the project either partially or fully, depending on the agreement.

Step 6: Vetting Process

Before any agreement is finalized, we conduct thorough due diligence on both the client and investors to ensure a transparent and secure partnership for everyone involved.

Step 7: Transparent Transactions

All financial transactions are managed through our office, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the venture.

Step 8: Long-Term Lease Agreements

We aim for long-term lease agreements of 15 years or more, giving the project ample time to generate substantial returns and ensure financial stability.

Step 9: Legal Representation

Our legal experts guide you through the entire process, ensuring all agreements are properly documented and that your interests are protected at every step.

How the Joint Venture Model Works

Our Joint Venture Model is built on collaboration and transparency. Here’s how it works:

  1. Partnership: We team up with land or property owners who have promising real estate opportunities but need additional resources to bring them to life. You maintain ownership of the property while we provide the financing and expertise required for development.
  2. Funding: We secure the necessary funds for the construction or redevelopment of your property, with no financial burden on you. The funds are deposited into a secure escrow account, jointly managed by Bomalink Concepts Ltd and the investor.
  3. Project Management: From start to finish, we handle every phase of the project, including construction, rent collection, and property management. We appoint professional agents to manage rental properties, ensuring tenant satisfaction, property upkeep, and security.
  4. Revenue Sharing: Once the property is generating income, we operate on a revenue-sharing model. You, the property owner, receive a portion of the rental income (typically 20-30%), while Bomalink Concepts Ltd and the investors manage the remaining share until the investment is fully recouped.
  5. Lease Agreement: During the joint venture period, you will not be required to sell the property. At the end of the lease term, full control of the property and all revenue streams return to you, allowing you to enjoy long-term financial benefits.

For Property Owner

Maintain Ownership: You retain ownership of your property throughout the joint venture, with no need to worry about loans or financial strain.
Professional Development and Management: Our team of experienced professionals handles all aspects of property development and management, ensuring your project is executed with the highest standards.
Long-Term Returns: After the lease period, you take full control of the property, allowing you to benefit from its long-term value and potential growth.

For Investors

Secured Investment: Your funds are secured in an escrow account, and the project is managed by experienced real estate professionals to ensure a strong return on investment.
High-Value Projects: Our focus on modern developments such as rental properties, hotels, and hostels ensures high returns and market appreciation over time.
Expert Management: With Bomalink Concepts Ltd, you are partnering with a team of experts in construction, property management, and financial planning, ensuring your investment is in safe hands.

Why Choose Bomalink Concepts Ltd?

Our Joint Venture Model offers a balanced partnership where both parties benefit from the success of the project. With no upfront costs for property owners and secure investments for investors, we ensure that every project is developed with precision and professionalism.

At Bomalink Concepts Ltd, we don’t just invest in properties—we invest in relationships, building a foundation of trust, transparency, and shared success.

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Reach Out To Us For More Details

If you’re ready to transform your property into a thriving investment, contact us today and explore how we can partner through our Joint Venture Model to make your real estate goals a reality.

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